Pyrrho of elis biography of mahatma

Pyrrho of elis biography of mahatma

  • Pyrrho of elis biography of mahatma gandhi
  • Pyrrho of elis - classics - oxford bibliographies
  • Biography of mahatma gandhi
  • Pyrrho - stanford encyclopedia of philosophy
  • Pyrrho of elis - classics - oxford bibliographies.

    Pyrrhonism: Radical skepticism and the pursuit of tranquility

    8 minute read see also comments

    Pyrrhonism, a school of ancient skepticism founded by Pyrrho of Elis (circa 360–270 BCE), represents one of the most rigorous and distinctive philosophical traditions of the Hellenistic period.

    Unlike earlier Greek skeptics, who often critiqued specific dogmas or theories, Pyrrhonism advocated a radical suspension of judgment (epoché) about all matters, emphasizing the limits of human knowledge and the impossibility of attaining certain truth.

    This philosophical stance was not an end in itself but a means to achieving ataraxia, or tranquility of the soul, which Pyrrho and his followers regarded as the ultimate goal of human life.

    Pyrrho of Elis, marble head, early Roman copy, 2nd century BCE.

    Bronze Greek original was from the 4th century BCE. Source: Wikimedia Commonsꜛ (license: CC BY-SA 4.0)

    The origins and context of Pyrrhonism

    Pyrrho of Elis, the founder of Pyrrhonism